

Australian free surfer Ash Keillah, aka "the friendly pirate", is a genuine surfing enthusiast and long time friend of Modern Pirate. Ash is a master of combining all the good things life into his daily routine, surfing and traveling the globe chasing waves and good times. After losing an eye in a tragic accident when he was young Ash faced a decision to continue with ongoing attempts to regain vision, which left him in constant pain and out of the water, or have the eye removed. He went for the latter and with his positive attitude and support from friends and family, donned an eye patch and continued to pursue his wave-riding passion. Ash managed to redirect his path, becoming an inspirational example to people who have been through harsh situations and can’t find a ray of light or hope. There could not be a better example of our ethos "the rougher the seas the smoother the style".

Signature style - Matte Clay Paste stylish, laid back no fuss hair.

Follow Ash on Instagram @thefriendlypirate.


Tyler Hing, owner of Unkle Hingys barbershop in Moffat Beach Australia, is a master of traditional barbering and men's styling. Tyler started a hairdressing apprenticeship at 18 in one of Australia leading salons before being drawn to the more down to earth environment of the traditional barber shop. Having worked in a number of barber shops throughout the Sunshine Coast Tyler decided there was room for a more contemporary approach to barbering, incorporating a full service barber shop with a unique retail space offering fine styling and grooming products, cold beer, surfboards and local artworks.

Why Modern Pirate? Shortly after opening his own barber shop Tyler recognized Modern Pirate as an upcoming global brand. He loved the quality packaging and clean Australian made products. He had often been recommended the products by other barbers and set about making sure he had them in his shop.

Follow Tyler on Instagram @unklehingysbarbershop.


Bowie Pollards is a Sunshine Coast legend. Amazing surfer, hot rod and motorcycle enthusiast and all-around good guy. Bowie recently took out the Noosa Festival of Surfing old school logger event amongst a world class lineup. His passion for this style of surfing is evident by his collection of hundreds of traditional surfboards and skate boards dating back to the 1950's. With an interest in "old things" Bowie also regularly builds old hot rods and motorbikes in his man cave in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. Bowie encapsulates Modern Pirates free and easy approach to individual style and expression. His creative and passionate lifestyle make him the perfect fit for Modern Pirates ethos "the rougher the seas the smoother the style".

Signature style - Heavy Hold Pomade quiff and slick backs.

Follow Bowie on Instagram @bowiepollards.


Artist, surfer and creative mind Cam Stynes was born and raised on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. Also known as ‘cast’ his works are heavily influenced by street culture and can be found on all types of medium such as surfboards, canvas, wood and anything he can get his hands on. When not working on freelance art cam can be found in the ocean or in his home studio tinkering with ideas for new creations. Cam encapsulates Modern Pirate free and easy approach to individual style and expression. His involvement in the design of great surf and skate clothing means he’s bang on trend, and knows what’s what in art, surf and tattoo culture.

Signature style - Superior Pomade slick back.

Follow Cam on Instagram @camstynes.

Pic via @haydenoneill.